Banpu NEXT’s Smart Energy Solution: From Green Infrastructure Foundations to a Net-Zero Society

Infrastructure refers to fundamental facilities serving businesses, cities, or regions that often involve the energy sector, transportation, and waste management systems. Thanks to innovation and technology, these components connect and broaden a whole wide world, making the word ‘society’ no longer restricted to an area of the country but a community of collaborative intentions. It can be said that infrastructure is funded locally and globally through public and private sectors or even in the form of partnerships.

Nowadays, a calling for a greener and better future is the focal point for action on Net-Zero in various dimensions. And infrastructure transformation also tends to be more sustainable. Apart from enabling environmental impacts, they’re essential for improving quality of life, leading to development and prosperity. Banpu NEXT, along with global business partners, is striving towards a Net-Zero mission journey as a Net-Zero energy provider. We uphold smart infrastructure from our total Smart Energy Solutions and enhance society to meet life betterment for all and generations to come.

Energy Infrastructure

Energy ensures a living standard since all sectors, such as households, mobility, or networks, depend on its provision. For businesses, electricity serves as a factor for operating production and services. Since people are paying more attention to carbon neutrality, there is the world’s great movement towards green energy which emits little to no greenhouse gases—also a keynote for the Decarbonization megatrend.

We engaged in this transition and aligned the Decentralization principle by offering renewable power generation and distribution systems, for example, solar and wind power plant, solar rooftop, and solar floating with integration into smart grid and energy storage system. We are expanding our capacity through several key projects across the Asia Pacific, including Vietnam, Japan, China, Australia, and Indonesia. Green energy infrastructure then significantly leads to energy efficiency and lower-cost electricity, producing more accessible clean energy for people.

Transportation Infrastructure

Environment-friendly with convenient transportation promotes life betterment. Day by day, we are shaping the world of commuters with e-Mobility. Working together with business partners, we aim to pave the way for Decarbonization through the concept of Mobility as a Service (MaaS). This fully integrated alternative mobility platform includes fleet management, EV rental service via HAUP, ride-sharing service via MuvMi, charging station service via Evolt, and after-sales service via Beyond Green. A new experience of green public transport impacts the environment while promoting people’s well-being through better air quality from CO2 reduction.

3D’s Digitalization is also essential in enhancing the ‘Smart’ definition in our energy solutions. Cutting-edge technology is deployed to help increase business quality by making access to all services through mobile applications. At long last, on-demand and flexible travel takes part as an enabler to a sustainable infrastructure for a Net-Zero society.

Waste Management Infrastructure

Waste disposal directly links to the collective carbon footprint threatening the ecological balance. For this reason, many organizations have been implementing disposal strategies to reduce GHG emissions. Operating under the Greener & Smarter concept, Banpu NEXT has regarded environmental issues by supporting a waste management digital platform of our partnership in order to help businesses properly sort and recycle waste into revenue. Collaborative business actions ultimately become a powerful force bringing changes, as well as significantly unlocking low-carbon society through Digitalization.

As we can see, our Smart Energy Solutions contain infinite opportunities to impact changes creating a positive outlook for the future. Additionally, Banpu NEXT looks forward to collaborating wisely with all potential leaders to develop a low-carbon community driving to a Net-Zero society. We will intentionally continue our commitments to fulfill the present and future with prosperity, liveliness, and betterment for all partnerships and people. And we could see further if you, together, make the journey along sustainability goals with us.